Our Private Sky

Here and there, around the world, 2013—

The same and yet different everywhere and any time, the sky has always been one of the world’s greatest portal of dreams.

“Our Private Sky” addresses the dichotomy of privacy and openness found everywhere in (sub–)urban residential environments.

Where architecture has, from its beginnings, ventured to shield from the sky, “Our Private Sky” makes the sky the protagonist of everyday life.

In opening the confines of the usual house, the outside becomes active part of the everyday inside. As the sky is let in, privacy and openness are no longer disparate but interwoven in one environment for living.

Oscillating between the specific and the generic, the project finds distinct instances of the same sky around the globe.

Following simple rules in response to its environment, each house is optimised for its local specific circumstances. The result is a series of similar yet distinctly individual, customised houses, each with its own “Private Sky”.




Here and there, around the world, 2013—




Design Development


Florian Busch, Sachiko Miyazaki, Suguru Takahashi


GFA: 100 m² (S)

GFA: 150 m² (M)

GFA: 200 m² (L)

